Tewksbury Federal Credit Union has all the financial products you need! Check out our Debit MasterCard! You no longer need to worry about accessing your checking account funds. You can make deposits at our ATM, withdrawals and also use it for purchases at your favorite store. Don’t forget to sign up for Access 24. All of your financial tasks can be handled 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Debit MasterCard
- ATM withdrawals & deposits
- POS transactions
- No more writing checks!
Checking Account
- Earns Dividends
- No Monthly Fee
- No Minimum Balance
- Unlimited Check Writing
Access 24
Telephone Numbers:
- Access your account balances
- Transfer funds between accounts
- Request withdrawal of funds by check
- Reconcile your checking account
- Draft Inquiries – Checks Cleared
- Loan payment inquiries and payment transfers
- Tax information
Savings (Primary Share Account)
- Just $25.00 to open an account and take advantage of all the the products and services!
- Earns Dividends
Share Certificate
- High Dividends in a short period of time
- 6 to 60 Month CD’s offered
- As low as $500.00 Minimum deposit! See Current Rates
Holiday Clubs
- Set aside Christmas money through automatic deposit from your paycheck into a Club Account
- Higher Dividend than your Share account!
Direct Deposit/Payroll Deduction
- No more cashing payroll checks
- Request a loan or share transfer as part of your payroll deposit
- Fill out our Request Form and we will send you an application!
Savings Bonds
- Visit www.savingsbonds.gov for more information on how you can order savings bonds.
- We are no longer able to purchase savings for you.
Other Services
FREE Travelers Checks
Money Orders
FREE Notary Service to members.
No-Charge ATMs
Looking for a surcharge-free ATM? Locate Surcharge-Free ATMs on the SUM website by clicking here. The SUM logo means no ATM usage fees for our members!